Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Reflection in Learning Mathematics

Last Thursday, on March 12th 2009, there is a surprise from Mr. Marsigit. What is it? Guess it! However, on Thursday morning we had a suddenly examination from Mr. Marsigit. Exactly, it was the first English examination in 2nd semester in my class. But I think it’s no problem and it’s not a terrible thing, right?

The examination questions were about Mathematics in English, surely. Mr. Marsigit commanded us to take a piece of paper and write down what Mr. Marsigit’s Indonesian speaking into English. On the other hands, that morning we learned to be a translator. For example, when Mr. Marsigit said, “garis lurus”, we had to write it down on our paper but in English of course. So, we had to write “straight line” on our answer sheet. Mr. Marsigit gave us fifty questions in limited times. So, we had to work quickly.

Frankly, the questions are easy, but I don’t know why it tasted more difficult for me – my friends too-. The materials had been given by Mrs. Iin before (in 1st semester) and honestly, we had to be able to answer its. But, in fact, we couldn’t do that exam (maybe it happen because we forgot about that materials). So, don’t be shock if my mark is ‘not good’ (I got ‘48’ for my first English test). For your information, the highest score in my class is ‘60’. It’s very amazing and also it’s a surprise mark for us.

After the test finished, like usual, Mr. Marsigit commands us to make a semicircle with our chair close to him. That day Mr. Marsigit began to talk about reflection. He said that self introspection is difficult. He also said a proverb (maybe), “It’s better to break the mirror than repair our face”. Actually, I don’t know what does is means. But, may be it means that we must not to break the mirror because the mirror is not wrong. We are wrong. So, we must repair our ‘face’, our attitude, etc.

He also said that the exam just a little part, it’s just about 0.1 %. The others is depends on ourselves. So, we must study and work harder. We must up grade our knowledge and improve our competences, for example, we can make use references, using internet, exercise TOEFL, and make research. We must explore our competences in Mathematics and English (how to communicate, understand, write, etc)

What is the really meaning of math? Whatever, Mathematics thinking always starts with our assumption:

  1. Steps
  2. Concept of math (def of numbers, etc)
  3. Establish axioms

Mr. Marsigit said that mathematics without experiments is called applied mathematics, while mathematics with analyzing is called pure mathematics. Schematically, we can write:

The thinking methods of Mathematics are:

Inductive --> assumption --> axioms --> definition --> theorem --> solve the problem (deductive)

Mathematics truth is based on logic (its consistence and has no contradiction). The one of important things is we must have sincere intention to study Mathematics, because doing something with compulsion give negative effects and bad results. We also should learn many things about Mathematics. It’s not enough to study Mathematics just in University, we must learn it by ourselves. It means that we can learn Mathematics from our environment, our friends, our family, etc. So, Mathematics is universal, isn’t it?

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